P: 707-483-1567 | E: joey.of.art@gmail.com

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In grade school I was known as the kid who could draw. Took this artistic aptitude and applied it to creating graphics used to visually communicate ideas and concepts. I specialize in fine line drawing, and especially enjoy cartooning and caricature. I also enjoy hand lettering type with distinctive styles and creating motion graphics.
After college, I became interested in incorporating my drawings into larger design concepts involving color, text and layout. For over 25 years I have been digitally creating commercial designs to be silk screened, off-set printed and to be interacted with online.
Along with the artistic ability and computer experience, I offer over three decades of workplace professionalism. I know how to work under deadlines, to communicate with a client to visualize a desired creative concept, and to interact with production departments to have it produced. References available upon request.